FAQ - questions and answers

About renting containers in our locations

How does the whole rental process work?


Fill in the form on our website with your contact details, storage container size requirements and rental period. We will send you a specific rental offer immediately. The contractual terms are governed by our terms and conditions, no paperwork is required, just tick your consent on the form or confirm by email. After payment of the rent and deposit, we will send you a code to open the lock and the number of your container or parking space. You can start storing or parking in a few moments.

Is there a technician available on site to transport things from the car to the container if necessary?


Ano.  Na místě je po předchozí domluvě možnost pronájmu vysokozdvižného vozíku s obsluhou s nosností 9t a paletový vozík. 

How is the security of my stored items in containers resolved?


Všechny skladovací areály jsou uzavřené a střežené bezpečnostní službou a kamerovým systémem. Kontejnery jsou velmi odolné vůči vandalismu. Vaše uskladněné věci jsou ve 100 % bezpečí.

What is the notice period in case of termination of the lease?

The lease can be terminated by either party without giving any reasons with a notice period of 1 month. The notice period starts on the first day of the following month.

Can I send movers to the site without my presence?


Yes, we will send instructions directly to the movers on how to get into the container and how to lock it with a combination lock. We can then check the lock for your peace of mind.

Can you recommend a reliable removal service?


Yes, we recommend KP Removals, which we are happy to work with.

Is the container moisture-resistant?


There are ventilation holes in the corners of each container. If there is no wet/wet goods inside, there is no problem with moisture condensation. Containers are manufactured and anti-corrosion steels, designed for maritime transport, primarily designed for wet environments.

What about container locks?


There are 4 places on the container where you can place a padlock. One is part of the rent. Further away you can bring your own. We also offer the possibility to purchase locks by prior arrangement.


Can I extend the rental period?


Yes, by appointment.


How is the lease terminated?


If you do not wish to renew your contract, please notify us in a timely manner. The deposit will be refunded to your account once the container has been cleared and cleaned and handed over to you.


How are containers accessible?


The premises are open 24 hours a day, so you can access your belongings whenever you want.


About renting and selling containers on your land

Where can I place the container?


Folding the container requires handling space. Get in touch with us, we'll discuss specific sitauci.


Can I buy the rented container afterwards?


Yes, this is possible, of course, we can arrange in advance the terms of a possible buyout.


What is the lifetime of containers?


Shipping containers have been going on for more than 20 years. If you are thinking about your own storage space, which is also mobile, then the container is an excellent investment.